Patient G.
We express our great gratitude to the magnificent man and doctor Saryev Mukhammetsakhet Nurberdievich from the Goncharov family for his unique approach to patients, the highest professionalism and care in his work. Mukhammet is not an ordinary doctor, he is very talanted professional. We wish Muhammad health, success in his profession and all the blessings of life. Sincerely, The Goncharov family: Zinaida, Sergey, Victoria. My mother Goncharova Zinaida, 60 years old, in April 2021, went to the local polyclinic to the surgeon with a complaint about the formation of a massive lump in the navel. MRT and ultrasound analysis diagnosed the disease as ovarian cancer and kidney cancer. In this case, ovarian cancer was a massive formation (tumor) and measured by specialists was approximately 20 cm. The massive formation brought heaviness, pain, and discomfort. According to the results of all analysis in the local polyclinic and oncological dispensary, my mother was sent to the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov. On May 25, 2021, after meeting with Mukhammet at the MCSC and examining my mother, due to the massiveness of the formation, Mukhammet immediately scheduled the operation for the nearest date - June 8, 2021, due to further risks to my mother's life. The operation was successful, during the operation a massive tumor (which turned out to be 40 cm) was removed and everything went according to plan. On June 15, 2021, my mother was discharged. Today, on June 17, 2021, my mother feels well, the dynamics of recovery is positive.