PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient K.

Dear Igor Evgenievich! I express my great gratitude to you for the well-chosen medical staff especially to the doctor Baichorov Aslan Borisovich for his skill, kindness and excellent attitude .After, as a result of the examinations, I was refused an operation at the Cancer Center No. 1 due to a heart spleen, I tried somewhere else. But, my desires were in vain and only in your center the doctor Baichorov A. B. promised to send me this operation. And I was lucky, God knows, the operation was successful. I am 83 years old and at home. Huge thanks to the doctor, all the medical staff and you personally for such doctors from God. For giving me life. I wish you all good health and successful work. 

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD