PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient K.

As for the assessment of the work of the MCSC medical staff, I have no right to do this, because I have no medical education. As an ordinary patient, I am very glad that God brought me together with Vinokurova L.V. She saved me from surgery and extended my life. In my opinion, this is the best specialist of the Department of pathology of the pancreas and biliary tract of the MCSC. She is an intelligent, charming, tactful and kind doctor. God bless her! It is not surprising that around such wonderful people, new young specialists grow up. Savina I.V. who during 11 years, from a young doctor, turned into a charming, attractive woman who proudly and worthily bears the title of Doctor of the Department of pathology of the pancreas and biliary tract. With such doctors, the entire average medical staff works perfectly. May God bless them! With great respect! Kostyukhin V.L. 29.07.21

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD