PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient F.

Our whole family expresses its heartfelt, sincere gratitude for the highly professional, kind, human attitude in the process of preparing for hospitalization and treatment to the researcher Nurberdiyev Maksat Bayramovich and the attending physician witharyev Mukhammet Nuryevich. Diagnosed with uterine cancer, my aunt, Rodnova Maria Alexandrovna, was sent to the MCSC in December 2021. Logins for the operation. The fear of a diagnosis of oncology and hypertension, brought my aunt out of control, the pressure from fear, from excitement and not understanding what would happen, was on the verge. I was worried and afraid that with such pressure will not be allowed to the operation. But after a meeting before hospitalization with doctors, my aunt calmed down, preparations for hospitalization began. There were no flashes of fear. Maksat Bayramovich and Mukhammet Nuryevich are not only professionals in their medical business, but also, first of all, understanding doctors who fully delve into the patient's problem, listen to the details, give useful advice that helps not only physically, but also mentally. This is very important! A month has passed since the operation, my aunt is in full formation! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD