Patient Ch.
Dear doctors of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov! I want to express my heartfelt, sincere gratitude for the kind and sensitive attention shown during the preparation and conduct of a complex operation to the staff of the Department of surgery located in building No. 7: zav. Department Valiev Ramiz Kamraddinovich and the team of doctors who performed the operation: a researcher Nurberdiyev Maksat Bayramovich, to the Attending Physician Saryev Mukhammet Nuryevich and Tizilova Evgeniya Andreevna. Preliminary diagnosis: ovarian cancer. January 13 was a very serious operation, the tumor reached incredible size with unknown consequences and unpredictable complications. We were very worried about the outcome of the operation, but the attentive and sincere attitude of the doctors and the professional approach to the situation gave us confidence in the outcome of the upcoming operation, for which my wife and I are very grateful to the doctors of the clinic, in fact, the Angels-Saviors. After the operation, very little time has passed and some questions constantly arise that Maksat Bayramovich and Mukhammet Nuryevich, as professionals in their medical field and understanding doctors, listen carefully and give useful advice on what to do in a particular case. It is very important to have the support of competent specialists in critical situations. You have golden hands. Separately, I would like to thank the oncologist Sandro Georgievich Mchedeladze the doctor , an employee of the oncological dispensary No. 5, located on Perervinsky Boulevard, where the initial examination was carried out and sent to the clinic for surgery and wished him health and success. With gratitude to you and all the staff of the surgical department for your professionalism and skill, hard work in saving the lives of your patients, for your attention and responsiveness. I also want to wish you good health, family well-being and success in your difficult and very necessary business.