Patient B.
Saryev Mukhammetsakhet Nurberdievich! I do not know if you read the reviews, but I know that they are read by People who are in a difficult situation, and therefore we just help them mentally tune in to the good and choose the right Doctor and Doctor, and this review should be! With a deep sense of gratitude and sincere Thanks to you Mukhammetsakhet Nurberdievich!Thank you for choosing your incredibly Difficult Path one day. It is incredibly complex, but how much people need it when they are in situations that lead them to you! A feeling of fear, insecurity and misunderstanding of what is happening to you and will happen. I am sincerely grateful that, under all the circumstances, I came to you. I needed that Person, that Doctor, that Doctor who would take full responsibility and say - Everything will be fine, which you did! Believe me, my Degree of Trust in you turned out to be above all human fears and worries. And it is so justified! I will never tire of thanking you from myself, from my husband, from my family, and from my three children, with whom I will remember you together and know that there is always a way out and hope, thanks to Doctors like you! Thank you for dedicating yourself to such a cause. Your profession, and even in such a difficult department, is simply the Pinnacle of Professionalism, Sensitivity, Attention and knowledge of your Business. Usually you call it your job, but this Job is on the verge of a Miracle for each of us. And the incredible complexity of your work and the moral side of your support for your patients and their relatives is too difficult to assess. You can't imagine how you help us. Health to you and all your loved ones. We are truly infinitely grateful to you for everything. All of us ordinary People should be Healthy. But if trouble suddenly happens, know one thing, there are people who will do everything for you so that you Live and laugh, hugging your loved ones and children as before! And it is Mukhammetsakhet Nurberdievich Saryev and his most professional team who deserve Trust and boundless gratitude. I came across the Best Doctor, the Best Surgeon and the Best operating Doctor and his professional team. Don't get sick!