Patient Ch.
I express my great gratitude to the doctor of thoracic surgeryKetsbe Astanda Frunbievna. Clever, beautiful, golden hands, a star! A worthy companion of the blessed OneTo Arif Kerimovich Allahverdiyev! After an eight-hour operation, I got up as soon as I was transferred to the department and saw (for the first time in my life) real socialism. Cleanliness, order, qualified friendly staff, tasty food (no kidding), satisfied patients who take everything for granted (well, people!) Then chemotherapy, a highly qualified doctorVasily Vasilyevich Marfutov, kindness itself... My admiration for the directorTo Khatkov I.E.! This is what you need to have loyalty to an idea, a versatile mind and a big heart in order to organize all this. Real Heroes of our time!