Patient B.

I would like to express my gratitude to the head of the Department of Coloproctology MCSC named after A.S.LoginovDanilov Mikhail Alexandrovich and his Team, in particular our attending physicianTo Matveev Igor Vladimirovich, for the tremendous help, for responsiveness, for high-quality treatment, for medical ethics and for professionalism in his field!!! It's hard to imagine what the outcome would have been if we hadn't been in your hands!!! Thank you for deciding to choose this difficult profession and devote yourself to such an important task!!! You are not just helping people, you are saving this world!!! And I sincerely wish you good health, patience, perseverance, determination and confidence!!! Stay the same wonderful people and wonderful doctors who, I am sure, will help more than one generation of patients!!!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD