PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient P.

I applied to the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov in the direction of an oncologist. I was immediately referred to an otorhinolaryngologist, namely Ilya Vladimirovich Kozlov. I can say right away that this doctor immediately showed himself to be a highly qualified specialist. Everything was very competently, clearly and intelligibly reported on my problem. Immediately set a date for the operation. Ilya Vladimirovich himself performed laser removal of the hemangioma of the nasal cavity. I did everything very efficiently and with great attention to well-being. He was discharged literally an hour after the operation. Ilya Vladimirovich examined me again, inquired about my well-being and outlined a complete list of further treatment actions.

I thank Ilya Vladimirovich for his work and attention. Without exaggeration, this is a doctor from God! There would be more such specialists in our hospitals.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD