Patient D.

I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the attending oncologist Pyotr Alexandrovich Gavrishchuk for the thyroid surgery. The most complicated operation was performed at the highest professional level. And what is also very important - to be honest, you don't always expect to see such a level of attention, care and sensitivity in public hospitals. He told everything in detail, picked up the right words, clearly carried out the procedures, constantly clarified his well-being. Thanks again to the doctor and the staff of the department! I think, without proper work with the team, the organization of quality control will not reach such a level. Therefore, separately and especially I would like to thank the head of the head and neck tumors department, Lilia Pavlovna Yakovleva. Thank you very much! The level of professional ethics and cleanliness in relation to the doctor-patient were excellent. All my relatives were very worried about me. And do you know what I'm telling my friends and family about now? I am delighted to tell not so much about the operation itself, but about the amazing attitude towards me and the level of doctors. Please do not lower the bar! They will look up to you! Anna Vasilyevna D., operation on October 18, 2022

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD