Patient Ch.

On November 08, 2022, I was operated on at the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov with a diagnosis of sigmoid colon cancer, and the tumor was removed. I am immensely glad that I turned to your clinic, and that it was the doctors, the head of the department of coloproctology, Mikhail Alexandrovich Danilov and the coloproctologist Sahakian Georgy Germanovich who successfully performed the operation.

From the very moment I entered the clinic, I was treated very sensitively and attentively. All questions are answered in an accessible way. These are real professionals, Doctors with a capital letter, from God! I bow low to you for giving you the opportunity to return to your old life! Long life and professional success to you! I also want to express my gratitude to all the medical staff for their sensitivity and responsiveness!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD