Patient C.
On the eve of the New Year holiday, I express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to the head of the OVZK, Doctor of Medical Sciences Knyazev Oleg Vladimirovich, a talented scientist and doctor, an excellent organizer.
Separate words of love, respect and delight to my attending physician brilliant Babayan Anait Fakhradovna.
Thanks to their professionalism, caring attitude to their work, taking care of my health, I live a full life, work, communicate with my relatives and, most importantly, with my grandchildren (four!).
I bow low to all the staff of the department, doctors, residents, secondary medical and junior medical staff (nurses, cleaners, barmaids and others) for their sensitive attitude to our problems, requests, sometimes whims, for cleanliness, for order, for the atmosphere in the department. You are all a team under the leadership of the captain - Knyazev Oleg Vladimirovich!
I wish you all health, love, respect, let all dreams come true. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!