PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient T.

i want to write a review about a wonderful doctor, a high professional in her field, gilvanova o.v. olga valeryevna works as the head of the center for neuromuscular pathology at the MCSC named after. Loginov.  I visited her for a consultation in October, the Doctor studied in detail the medical history, all the statements, examinations (and not the conclusions, namely the protocols), conducted a full examination, recorded the ENMG, decoded it and compared it in dynamics. I made a presumptive diagnosis, outlined an examination plan. And it's all in one go! For the first time in 8 years of my illness, I met such a competent specialist who is both a neurologist and a functional diagnostician!

We have already met again in November, during my hospitalization in the neurological department. Despite all her busy schedule and workload, Olga Valeryevna supervised my examination for three weeks (she did a lot herself), held consultations in person and in absentia. She didn't hide anything, explained everything in detail, was very correct and friendly. Although the exact diagnosis has not yet been made and a trial treatment has been prescribed, for many years I have believed that they will not leave me alone with my misfortune, they will help me find a solution to my problem.

Thank you very much, Olga Valeryevna, for your caring, sensitivity, professionalism and a great desire to understand and help! You are a true master of your craft! It's a pity I didn't know about you before, maybe it wouldn't have come to disability.

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, wish you good health, family happiness and success in all your endeavors! 

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD