PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient C.

on 02/28/2023, i was hospitalized at the MCSC named after. Loginova A.S. to the Department of coloproctology for the purpose of reconstructive and reconstructive surgery to restore the continuity of the intestine with the elimination of the stoma. 03/01/2023 I had a successful operation by the head of the department of coloproctology Danilov Mikhail Alexandrovich and a coloproctologist By Sahakyan Georgy Germanovich. And already on 03/07/2023 I felt great, the intestines worked and I was discharged. I express my great gratitude to Mikhail Alexandrovich Danilov and Georgy Germanovich Sahakyan for their golden hands, attentiveness and conscientious attitude to the patient. Thanks to them, I feel great and have returned to a normal lifestyle at the age of 37.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD