PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient Ch.

I would like to express my gratitude to the gastroenterologist-nutritionist Smirnova Olga Andreevna for her high professionalism and responsiveness. Thanks to the selected treatment, the appointment of special nutritional mixtures, courses of droppers with the necessary vitamins and trace elements, I managed to recover after surgery to remove the stomach in 2015. and chemotherapy courses. The recovery process was difficult and lengthy, but she did not give up and continued to help me fight for my life. Currently, I feel good and enjoy life. The help of a nutritionist in the rehabilitation process is extremely important and necessary. I would like as many people as possible to find out about such specialists who need similar help.

I would like to express my gratitude to the gastroenterologist Mareeva Daria, who has been on treatment and observation for about 6 years. It seems that she sees and feels my body already better than me. Always very clearly and quickly conducts an appointment, prescribes the necessary treatment and sends it for examination in a timely manner. I feel in safe hands, despite the complexity of the disease. Daria V. helped me recover after the removal of the stomach in 2015. and chemotherapy courses, "pulled" me out of a very difficult condition, connected the necessary specialists of another profile, nutritionists, picked up drugs of constant intake to maintain the body without a stomach. I am very grateful and would like people who need similar help to know about such professional doctors.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD