Patient M.

In March of this year, I completed my 6th course of chemotherapy. The control CT did not reveal any negative dynamics) I want to thank very much the chemotherapist of the Day Hospital of the 7th building on the 2nd floor Pasechnyuk Olga Sergeevna) For four months of chemotherapy, she answered all my questions, devoted as much time as she needed, despite the large flow of patients. She was very attentive, kind and patient.

I also want to thank all the staff of the department for their courtesy, patience, and positive attitude. Especially the nurse Oleg, nurses Ekaterina and Tatiana and others whose names I did not remember (Despite the large flow of patients in difficult conditions, everyone is kind and welcoming. It is very difficult to go to chemotherapy with pleasure, but thanks to the staff of the hospital it was possible) Thank you so much!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD