PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient L.

I write on behalf of my husband and on my own behalf. My husband underwent surgery on June 18, 2015 for an esophageal adenocarcinoma, and the tumor was located in a difficult place - just above the cardia, i.e. at the entrance of the esophagus to the stomach. My husband weighed 136 kg at the time, and the operation was very difficult because of the extremely difficult access through such huge layers of fat. But, all the same, it was carried out by the laparoscopic method, the doctors fought for 10 hours! There are no words to express gratitude to amazing people - a brilliant surgeon, a person who seems to have come from the future of our medicine-Professor Roman Izrailov, who works just wonders! We also sincerely thank Tyutyunnik Pavel Stanislavovich, who assisted Roman Yevgenyevich during the operation, and our third surgeon, Boris Pomortsev. All of them led my husband from the first day of hospitalization (and Tyutyunnik PS also advised us before it and appointed the necessary examinations) and until the day of discharge. These are incredibly hardworking, endlessly loving people who actually live at work, because they came at 7 in the morning and left late in the evening. Never and nowhere have we met such an attentive, sensitive, caring attitude. These are Doctors with golden hands and the highest human spiritual qualities. A low bow to them for the fact that they - here are such extraordinary - are in the world! My husband and I love you very much, with all our hearts, and we are grateful for the successful operation for the rest of our lives!
And many thanks to the head of the intensive care unit, a great anesthesiologist and a very sincere person Buldakov Mikhail Yuryevich, who also controlled my husband's condition for a long time during the operation, and it was so difficult! We also thank all the medical staff of the department - the intensive care doctors, all the nurses (kind and sympathetic), all-all who were with us and helped my husband through the entire period of hospitalization!
And we also thank Daniel L. Rotin, the head of the pathology department, for the quick professional work on conducting histology - this is an excellent specialist!
We only go here to check-ups, which are often necessary for a husband after surgery, and we are always happy if we meet our favorite doctors who saved my husband, without getting tired of thanking them.
THANK YOU ALL! Good health to you and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD