PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient Yu.

I, a visually impaired person of the first group, have been an ostomy patient for 18 years. I had problems with a disconnected bowel, pain in the left side of the abdomen. As a result of the treatment conducted by Professor Shcherbakov Pyotr Leonidovich, who conducts this treatment according to his own method, ulcers in the rectum were healed, I began to feel better, sleep and appetite improved, acute abdominal pain disappeared.
I express my deep gratitude to Pyotr Leonidovich for his treatment and sensitive and attentive attitude to the patients.
I also express my gratitude to the head of the department of non - inflammatory bowel diseases-Elena Sabelnikova, the attending physician - Lilia Hasanbekovna Turkeykina and all the nurses and all the service staff of this department.
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD