PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient A.

Many thanks and a low bow to the head of the Department of Rheumatology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Lukina Galina Viktorovna. Special thanks to my wonderful attending physician, Head of the Department of Rheumatology, PhD, Nadezhda Savenkova. They promptly conducted an examination, quickly established a diagnosis, and immediately prescribed treatment. Professionalism at the highest level! They explained to me how to live with this difficult disease and what to do in the future.  I also thank all the medical staff of the Department of Rheumatology for their attentive and kind attitude. I also want to mention and thank the junior staff, the ward and the entire department are very clean! I also want to thank the canteen staff for their help. I have never heard rude words from the staff of the rheumatology department, which is very rare in our time, everyone does it with a smile.
Your department of Rheumatology is the salvation of people suffering from this serious ailment.  
Thank God that I was sent to the MCSC. I am truly grateful to everyone for what they have done for me. May God grant you all health, long life and good luck in everything. Thank you for being here!
Sincerely, patient A. (from 27.10.2015 to 17.11.2015 ward 427)
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD