PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient B.

It is difficult to express in words the feeling of admiration, gratitude and appreciation towards the outstanding surgeon, the head of the department of hepatopancreatobiliary surgery of the MCSC Efanov M. G., who not only literally saved my life by performing a complex and urgent operation to remove a suppurated cyst on the liver, which threatened me with death from peritonitis, but also in the following month of my stay in the department of GPBH constantly monitored and supervised my condition, changing the course of postoperative treatment many times, my complaints and even many times going to meet me halfway.
I would like to note the remarkable and attentive attitude of the surgeon M. G. Efanov to the patients of his department, including me, without sparing his life forces and working 12-15 hours a day.
Good luck to you, conquering new scientific and medical heights and promotion, dear Mikhail Germanovich!
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD