PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient I.

I would like to thank the entire staff of the rheumatology department for their excellent work. Amazing, kind, attentive people have gathered here. All employees are very friendly, responsive and caring. This attitude is very pleasant for us, the patients. Everyone is so affectionate and kind that you do not want to go home after discharge. The atmosphere is so warm and friendly that the pain goes away by itself, without medication. Such care prolongs our lives.

I want everyone to work like this and treat us the same way. This department should be directed to learn kindness. It feels like the team was recruited by a special casting - the casting of kindness. I would especially like to mention the work of Dr. Klimets A. G., senior nurse Vetrova G. A., nurses Emirgazalieva N. A., Matyashchuk A.V., Kalinina D. V., Teplova S. P., Tuchkova I. M., Kabysheva O. V., Yunina N. M., Shchukina M. A., nurses Ryakhovskaya F. M., Zhukova T. V., Ryzhova S. I., Shalova N. N., nurses khokhyaek Ivanova A. Ya., head of the Department. department Savenkovu N. A., head. research department Lukinu G. V., who devote their time to all patients of the department.

Thank you for everything that all these people do for us. I want to wish you all meetings with the same amazing people! Many to you, good summers in good health!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD