PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Patient K.

After five months of unsuccessful treatment in a polyclinic, in a sanatorium, one woman advised me to consult a doctor Dubtsova Elena Anatolyevna in the MCSC, Department of Pathology of the pancreas and bile ducts. I was exhausted by these pains and, of course, ran to the MCSC. I got an appointment and Elena Anatolyevna sent me to the hospital.

In one week, all the tests were done, the diagnosis was made and treatment was prescribed. Three months later, the hospital repeated the tests, the stone did not dissolve and prescribed endoscopic removal of the stone, which I am now waiting for.

When I was discharged from the department, I was in such an emotionally anxious state that I could not say thank you, tears rolled up. And I wanted to hug everyone and find words of gratitude.

Many thanks for the professionalism, for the warmth, for the kindness of the hearts of the head of the Department of Pathology of the Pancreas and biliary tract, Doctor of Medical Sciences Dubtsova Elena Anatolyevna, doctors Karina Akselyevna Nikolskaya, Irina Vladimirovna Savina.

In the department, there are resident doctors who explain everything very clearly and patiently, and you understand that these guys already know a lot at the beginning of their medical career and they will become real doctors. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Margarita Viktorovna and Herman Vladislavovich (unfortunately, I do not know the last names). You have chosen the noblest profession on earth. Good journey to you!

In the department, all nurses work clearly, all are polite and kind.

Thank you all.


GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD