Zakharova Olga Pavlovna

Zakharova Olga Pavlovna


Рентгеновское отделение


- in 2007 she graduated with honors from I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State University (Medical Science)
- 2007-2009 passed residency in the specialty radiologist in the federal state budgetary institution "Russian scientific center of radiology of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation"

- in 2012 she defended her PhD thesis: "computed tomographic signs of resectability of pancreatic cancer".

Work experience:
- from 2009 to the present, I work in the Department of Radiology and Magnetic Resonance Research at the Vishnevsky Institute of surgery

Position-radiologist; researcher

Clinical specialization:

  • Conducting and describing all types of CT / MRI studies (without / with intravenous contrast), including:
  • Mr and CT angiography
  • Virtual colonoscopy
  • Knowledge of the method of application of hepatospecific MRCS

Experience in magnetic resonance imaging: PhilipsIntera 1.0 T, PhilipsAchieva 3.0 T, ToshibaVantageTitan 1.5 T

Computer tomographs: Philips iCT, Philips Brilliance 64, Toshiba Aquilion PRIME.

- Consultation of data from CT and MRI studies, interpretation of results, work with the Attending Physician

- Qualified second opinion on the results of CT and MRI studies

- description of all types of CT / MRI studies (without / with intravenous contrast) by remote access

Participation in professional associations:

member of the Russian Association of radiologists

member of the European Society of Radiology

fellow of the American Society of radiologists


- in 2009, she made an oral report at the III All-Russian National Congress of radiation diagnoses and therapists Radiology-2009 (Russia.Moscow).

- in 2010, she made an oral report at the IV All-Russian National Congress of radiation diagnoses and therapists Radiology-2010 (Russia.Moscow).

- in 2011, he spoke at the Annual General Meeting of the European Society of pancreatology (43thAnnualMeetingoftheEuropeanPancreaticclub; Magdeburg, Germany)

- in 2011, she made an oral report at the V International Congress "Nevsky radiological forum-2011" (Russia; St. Petersburg).

- in 2011, a poster presentation at the European Society of Radiologists (EuropeanSocietyofRadiology 2011; Austria. Vienna).

- in 2011, she made an oral and poster presentation at the International Congress of the Association of hepatological surgeons (France, Paris)

- in 2011, she made an oral report at the All-Russian scientific and practical Congress of radiologists on the topic "X-ray Radiology in oncology" (Russia.Moscow). 

- in 2012, she made a presentation at the 23rd Congress of the europeansocietyofgastrointestinalandabdominalradiology (UnitedKingdom, Edinburgh).

- in 2012 she was moderator at the European School of radiologists (ESORAsklepiosCourse.Odessa. Ukraine)

Author of more than 10 scientific papers.


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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD