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Sabelnikova Elena Anatolyevna

Sabelnikova Elena Anatolyevna



Post: deputy Director for Research

Scientific degree: Doctor of Medical Sciences

Certificate: in the specialty "gastroenterology»

Medical category: Higher School

1989-1995 Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "medical science". 
1995-1997 Clinical residency in Gastroenterology at the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology (TSNIIG). 

Work experience: 
1997-2014-Researcher of the Department of Pathology of the Small Intestine of the TSNIIG. 
2014-2016-Head of the Department of Non-inflammatory Bowel Pathology of the GBUZ MCSC DZM. 
From 2016 to the present-Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the State Budgetary Institution of the Moscow State Scientific Research Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

In 2002, he defended his PhD thesis on "Functional and morphological changes in the liver in patients with impaired absorption syndrome". 
In 2008, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Gluten-sensitive celiac disease: prevalence in risk groups, clinical forms, treatment and follow-up". 

Author of more than 160 scientific papers, co-author of 3 methodological recommendations, 2 monographs and one textbook. 

Member of the editorial board of scientific journals.

Sabelnikova E. A. is a highly qualified doctor (has the highest medical category), and a specialist in the field of enterology. She has devoted more than 20 years of her scientific and practical work to the study of celiac disease. The results of the research have been repeatedly reported at Russian and international scientific conferences, congresses and congresses.

Sabelnikova E. A. conducts a lot of mentoring work, conducting rounds with doctors, clinical residents, is the head of dissertation works. 

Сертификат 0677241125689 от 22.03.2017

Price list

#1-5 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога, д.м.н. первичный 9400 руб
#1-6 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога, д.м.н. повторный 7900 руб
Не является офертой
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD