Enaeva Marina Viktorovna

Enaeva Marina Viktorovna

Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Клинико-диагностическая лаборатория


2002-2008 Diploma of higher medical education, Qualification of doctor-biochemist of the State Medical University "VolgSMU".

2008-2009 Internship in the specialty clinical laboratory diagnostics, MUZ "KDP No. 2" of Volgograd.

2019 Advanced training, FGOUDPO "RMANPO" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics, certificate of a specialist of KDL.

2020 Advanced training, FGOUDPO "RMANPO" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Department of Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics.

2020 Advanced Training, Moscow State Medical University "Scientific and Practical Clinical Center for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow City Medical Center".

Work experience:

08.12.2020-currently a doctor of KLD, State Medical Institution of the Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM

03.08.2009-04.12.2020 KLD doctor, Moscow Regional Perinatal Center, Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory

01.08.2008-30.06.2009 Intern doctor, MUZ " Consultative and diagnostic Polyclinic No. 2»

14.07.2006-31.07.2008 Paramedic-laboratory assistant, MUZ " Consultative and diagnostic polyclinic No. 2»

Skills and abilities:

Knowledge of the main methods of laboratory research, skills in the field of cytological, hematological, immunoserological, general clinical, biochemical, coagulological and molecular genetic research methods.

Organization of the work of individual sections of the clinical and diagnostic laboratory. Monitoring the operation of semi-automatic and automatic analyzers. Accounting and validation of research results. Control over the work of secondary medical personnel.

Microscopy of liquid preparations from the cervix (endo-and exocervix), urogenital and hematological smears, native preparations of urine sediments.

Conducting in-laboratory quality control.


Annually participates in Russian and international scientific conferences.

Сертификат 0377180848564 от 27042019
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD