PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Dyrdaeva Alena Sergeevna

Dyrdaeva Alena Sergeevna


Branch of MCSC named after A. S. Loginov on Pavlov


2013-2019-federal state budgetary educational institution of Higher Education "National Research Mordovian State University named after N. P. Ogarev", Saransk, Specialty Program" Medical business", awarded the qualification"medical doctor".  
2019-2021-residency in the specialty "Gastroenterology "on the basis of the state budgetary healthcare institution of the city of Moscow"Moscow clinical scientific and practical center named after A. S. Loginov of the Department of health of the city of Moscow".

Scope of clinical activity: 
Management and treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system.

Participation in conferences: 
Participation in scientific conferences, congresses, symposiums and congresses devoted to Gastroenterology. 

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD