Filina Diana Sergeevna

Filina Diana Sergeevna


Branch of MCSC named after A. S. Loginov on Pavlov

Gastroenterologist, hepatologist
Gastroenterology department 

2011-2017-Moscow State Medical and dental university named after A. I. Evdokimov, Faculty of Medicine.
2017-primary accreditation in the specialty "general practitioner" 
2017-2019-residency in Gastroenterology, federal state budgetary institution NMC of coloproctology named after A. N. Ryzhykh of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation

Work experience:
2019-2021-gastroenterologist, Department of chronic liver diseases, A. S. Loginov MCSC
From 2021 to the present - gastroenterologist, hepatologist of the Gastroenterological Department in the branch of the A. S. Loginov MCSC on Pavlov

Certificate in therapy, certificate in gastroenterology

Actively works with patients in the hospital department for the treatment of diseases

  • liver
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • non-inflammatory bowel disease
  • pathologies of the upper digestive tract
  • pathologies of the pancreas and biliary tract

Engaged in scientific activities.  

Research interests, professional skills:

  • autoimmune liver diseases (primary sclerosing cholangitis, autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis)
  • viral hepatitis
  • cirrhosis of the liver of various etiologies
  • inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease)

Price list

#1-1 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога первичный 3700 руб
#1-2 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога повторный 2600 руб
Не является офертой
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD