PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Feoktistov Yaroslav Evgenievich

Feoktistov Yaroslav Evgenievich


Branch of MCSC named after A. S. Loginov on Pavlov

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Education:2009-2015 Penza State University Medical Institute

  • 2016-2017 Penza State University Medical Institute
  • 2017-2019 Postgraduate Course Surgery Penza State University
  • 2020 – defense of the candidate's thesis on the topic: "Experimental and clinical substantiation of the use of a combined prosthesis. Made of biological and synthetic material for hernioplasty."

Work experience: 2017 – 2019 - surgeon of the Penza Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.N.Burdenko.

  • 2018 – 2020 - surgeon GBUZ GKB No. 5, Penza
  • 2016 – 2021 – Assistant of the Department of Surgery, Penza State University Medical Institute
  • 2020 – to the present - surgeon of the State Medical Institution MCSC named after A.S. Loginov DZM 

Achievements:2016-2019 – co-investigator of several (as yet unfinished) clinical trials: ENOX-08/2015, KI/0116-3, REM-OJ-III-16, REM-CJ-III-16.

  • 2018-2022 - Scholarship Holder of the President of the Russian Federation

Scientific works and publications:Author of 21 scientific papers, 2 patents for inventions and utility models.


Activities:Member of the All-Russian Society of Surgeons


Area of interest:Carrying out laparoscopic interventions in emergency surgical pathology (laparoscopic appendectomy, cholecystectomy, treatment of complicated gastric ulcer), removal of benign skin lesions, planned surgical interventions for inguinal hernias, hernias of the anterior abdominal wall, cholelithiasis.


GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD