PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Zhukova Anastasia Viktorovna

Zhukova Anastasia Viktorovna


Центр бариатрической хирургии


  • 2011-2018 Moscow State Medical University NAMED after A.AND Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Specialty: Medical business.
  • 2018-2020 Clinical residency at the Moscow State Medical University NAMED after A.AND Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - Department of Faculty Surgery No. 2.Specialty: Surgery.
  • 2021 primary professional retraining of gbuz MCSC named after a.s. loginov dzm - ultrasound diagnostics.

Work experience:

  • 2020-2022 - State Clinical Hospital named after E.O. Mukhin DZM, surgeon at the outpatient surgical center.
  • July 2021 – July 2022 - LLC "Center of Vascular Pathology", surgeon.


  • 2018-2023 General practitioner district
  • 2021 - 2026 surgery

Professional development:

  • 2020. - Moscow State Medical University NAMED after A.AND Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology. Advanced training coronavirus infection Covid 19, clinic, diagnosis, prevention, treatment.
  • 2021 - Federal State Budgetary Institution" SSC of Laser Medicine named after O.K. Skobelkin FMBA - fundamentals of laser medicine.
  • 2022 - Federal Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education LLC - Current information about malignant neoplasms of the skin.
  • 2022 - "National Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery" - from theory to practice.

Price list

#1-13 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-хирурга первичный 3700 руб
#1-68 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-хирурга повторный 2600 руб
Не является офертой
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD