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Matveychuk Danila Alekseevich

Matveychuk Danila Alekseevich


Консультативно-диагностическое отделение


2023 GBUZ "Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM" Postgraduate study, Surgery.

2021 GBUZ "Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center named after A. S. Loginov DZM" Professional retraining program, Oncology.

2020 FGAOU VO "RNIMU named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation" Residency, Surgery, Diploma with honors.

2018 Pirogov RNIMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Faculty of Medicine, Medical Science, Diploma with Honors

Work experience:

2023 - present — KDO MCSC named after A.S. Loginov Surgeon

2020 - present — GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 24DZM" Surgeon

2019-2020 — GBUZ "Hospital for War Veterans No. 2 DZM" Trainee doctor

2018-2020 - Department of General Surgery of the Medical Faculty of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Senior Laboratory Assistant

Practical activities:

A practicing surgeon. Performing operations mainly by laparoscopic method.

Surgery: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hernia of the esophageal orifice of the diaphragm, cholelithiasis, hernia of the anterior abdominal wall

Oncosurgery: tumors of the stomach, tumors of the esophagus, tumors of the pancreas, tumors of the small and large intestine

The range of scientific interests:

Benign and malignant diseases of the stomach and esophagus.

The use of minimally invasive technologies in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientific activity:

Author and co-author of 5 scientific publications. In the process of writing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of medical Sciences on the topic: "The effect of the multimodal approach option on the immediate results of treatment of locally advanced gastric cancer.".

Reports at Russian and international conferences:

  1. Research protocol: Comragisop of perioperative chemotherapy and surgery with adjuvant therapy for locally advanced gastric cancer. 1st International Turkish Gastric Cancer Congress. October 2022, İzmir (Turkey).
  2. Early outcomes of laparoscopic total gastrectomy in locally advanced gastric cancer. Annual international medical conference “41th Timok Medical Days” May 2022, Belgrade (Serbia).
  3. Laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy for GEJ cancer: choice of esophagojejunostomy method. The 94th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Gastric Cancer Association, March 2022, Yokohama (Japan).
  4. High linear stapler anastomosis throughlaparoscopic transhiatal approach for GEJ cancer. The 94thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, March 2022, Yokohama (Japan).
  5. Early outcomes of laparoscopic total gastrectomyin locally advanced gastric cancer. The 94thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, March 2022, Yokohama (Japan).
  6. Laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy with doubletract reconstruction for locally advanced GEJ cancer. The 94thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, March 2022, Yokohama (Japan).
  7. Advantages of the Thinprep technology for peritoneal washout material. The 94thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association, March 2022, Yokohama (Japan).
  8. Laparoscopic surgery for locally advanced gastric cancer. National Surgical Congress 2022 with international participation. XIV Congress of Surgeons of Russia. November 2022. Moscow.
  9. Optimal surgical techniques for minimally invasive operations in patients with stomach cancer. Gastrointestinal Tumors Russco Conference. April 2022, Moscow.
  10. The multidisciplinary registry is the basis for standardizing the approach to the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer. Conference "Locally advanced gastric cancer: Unresolved issues" April 2022, Moscow.
  11. Reconstruction options for laparoscopic gastrectomy. Conference "Locally advanced gastric cancer: Unresolved issues" April 2022, Moscow.
  12. Oncological registry as a tool for optimizing a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer. VII Moscow International Festival of Endoscopy and Surgery, December 2021, Moscow.

International and Russian master classes:

  1. "Live broadcast - Laparoscopy.Russian Federation, medx.pro ". Performing an indicative operation - laparoscopic distal resection of the stomach with D2 lymphadenectomy (assistance to Doctor of Medicine Vasnev O.S.). September 2022. Moscow.
  2. "Live broadcast - Laparoscopy.Russian Federation, medx.pro ". Performing an indicative operation - laparoscopic distal resection of the stomach with D1+ lymphadenectomy (assistance to Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD Khatkov I.E.). June 2022. Moscow.
  3. "Live broadcast - Laparoscopy.Russian Federation, medx.pro ". Performing an indicative operation - laparoscopic proximal resection of the stomach with D1+ lymphadenectomy and double tract reconstruction (assistance to R.E. Izrailov, MD). June 2022. Moscow.
  4. "Topical issues of oncological practice". Performing an indicative operation - laparoscopic distal resection of the stomach with D2 lymphadenectomy (assistance to R.E. Izrailov, MD). January 2022. Kursk.
  5. "31st International Congress on Live Surgery of the digestive tract" Broadcast of an indicative operation - laparoscopic gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy (assistance to MD R.E. Israilov). November 2021, Rome (Italy).
  6. "Live broadcast - Laparoscopy.Russian Federation, medx.pro ". Performing an indicative operation - laparoscopic gastrectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy (assistance to R.E. Izrailov, MD). June 2021. Moscow.


  • Full member of the Russian Society of Surgeons (ROH).
  • Full member of the Association of Oncologists of Russia (AOR).
  • Full member of the International Gastric Cancer Association (IGCA).
  • Full member of the American Association of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO).
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD