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Komarov Maxim Igorevich

Komarov Maxim Igorevich

Oncologist, Urologist, Surgeon

Отделение урологии

Position: Senior Researcher of the Department of Urology


In 2009 he graduated from RSMU in Moscow with a degree in Medical Science. 

2009-2011 – residency in oncology in the RMAPO on the basis of the N.N. Blokhin Cancer Center.

2011-2014 – postgraduate studies in oncology in the RMAPO on the basis of the N.N. Blokhin Cancer Center.

2017 – professional retraining in the specialty "Urology" at the A.I.Burnazyan FMBC of the FMBA of Russia.

2018 – defended his master's thesis on "Bilateral kidney cancer, modern tactics of surgical treatment."

2017 – internship in laparoscopic prostatectomy in France.

2018 – internship in laparoscopic kidney resection in the Czech Republic.

2018 – internship in laparoscopic prostatectomy at the University Clinic of Germany. 

2019 – internship in minimally invasive surgery for bladder cancer.

Work experience: 

2014-2023 – Research associate in the Department of Oncourology at the N.N. Blokhin Cancer Center.

Since 2024 – Senior researcher at the Department of Urology MCSC named after A.S. Loginov.


The main scientific and clinical activity is devoted to minimally invasive surgery in oncourology. In particular, laparoscopic and robotic surgical interventions for kidney cancer, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, kidney pelvis cancer, testicular cancer.

Surgical activity is also devoted to restorative minimally invasive operations in urology: reimplantation of the ureters, plastic vesicovaginal fistulas, replacement plastic of the upper ureters.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD