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Nigmatov Mukhsinjon Mirmukhamadovich

Nigmatov Mukhsinjon Mirmukhamadovich


Отделение высокотехнологичной хирургии и хирургической эндоскопии


2014 practical course "Bariatric Surgery" of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov, Moscow. 2) 2014 practical course " Innovative surgery. Technique of Laparoscopic operations", Moscow State Medical University of Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov. 3) 2012-present-clinical postgraduate course in the specialty "Surgery" on the basis of the MCSC, Moscow 4)    2009-2011-clinical residency in the specialty "Surgery" on the basis of the RSCC. B. V. Petrovsky Academy, Moscow. 5) 2003-2009-Medical Faculty of PSU MI named after N. N. Burdenko, Penza.


  • 2012-present-Surgeon of the Department of High-tech Surgery Moscow Clinical Research and Practice Center of the Moscow Department of Health.
  • 2009-2011-stationary practice on the basis of the RSCC. Academician B. V. Petrovsky, Moscow (Department of Emergency Surgery, Department of Esophagus and Stomach, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Kidney Transplantation).
  • Treatment of diseases:
  • Inguinal and ventral hernias, hiatal hernia, achalasia of the cardia, peptic ulcer, gallstone disease, intestinal obstruction.
  • Scientific activity:
  • Full member of the Russian Society of Surgeons.
  • Co-author of 5 publications, 1 patent for inventions and utility models, 1 innovation proposals.
  • Email address: m.nigmatov@mknc.ru
Сертификат 0677241125720 от 30.06.2017
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD