Andreyashkina Irina Ivanovna

Отделение химиотерапии
deputy Chief Freelance Specialist-Oncologist of DZM, Leading researcher.
Membership in professional communities:
- Member of the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology (RUSSCO).
- Member of the European Society of Clinical Oncology (ESMO).
- Member of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO).
- 2002-Graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Saratov State Medical University. Diploma with honors.
- 2009-Graduate of the Faculty of "State and Municipal Management" of the Volga State Academy of Public Service. Diploma with honors.
Academic degree:
- 2004-defense of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Clinical and morphological variants of papillary breast cancer".
- 2013-defense of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: "Optimization of treatment of advanced breast cancer with lung metastases". Specializations:oncology, radiology, health organization.
Research papers:
printed-more than 101, chapters in monographs-2, monographs-1.
Presentations at international conferences-8.
Honorary Diploma of the Minister of Health of Russia 2015
Place of work:
- From October 2004 to April 2006, she worked as a radiologist at the Moscow State Medical University "City Oncology Dispensary".
- From April 2006 to October 2011, she worked as a radiologist in the Radiological department NUZ "Road Clinical Hospital".
- From November 2011 to July 2017, he was the head of the Chemotherapeutic Department of the OOD No. 2 in Saratov.
- From August 9, 2017 to the present, a leading researcher in the Scientific Department of General Oncology. Qualification category: the highest.
- graduated in 2002 with honors from the Medical Faculty of the Saratov State Medical University.
- In July 2002, she was accepted into the clinical residency at the Department of Faculty Surgery and Oncology of SSMU.
- In 2004, she graduated with honors from the clinical residency at the Department of Faculty Surgery and Oncology.
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