Sholenkov Mikhail Sergeevich

Отделение неврологии
1) 1998-2004-Medical Faculty, Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov, Moscow.
2) 2004-2005-clinical internship in neurology, State Clinical Hospital No. 6, Moscow.
3) 2014-advanced training in the specialty of neurology, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Russian National Research University named after N. I. Pirogov, Moscow.
A ward doctor and a consultant neurologist in a multidisciplinary hospital that includes therapeutic and surgical departments, intensive care, and psychiatry.
Diseases that I treat:
Consequences of acute disorders of cerebral circulation. Chronic cerebral ischemia. Condition after traumatic brain and spinal injuries. Pain syndromes of various etiologies and localization. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's syndrome. Autonomic dystonia syndrome and neurotic disorders. Cognitive impairment. Osteochondrosis of the spine.
Neurologist of the second qualification category.
He was trained in thematic and certification cycles: "Neurogenic headaches and facial pain syndromes", "Topical issues of somnology", "Intensive care in diseases of the nervous system".
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