Korsakova Yana Nikolaevna

Korsakova Yana Nikolaevna


Отделение неврологии

- 2002. graduated with honors from the Saratov State Medical University with a degree in Pediatrics.
- from 2002 to 2003. internship at the Saratov State Medical University.
- 2004. advanced training in MSMSU in the specialty " Physical therapy, rehabilitation and medical supervision"
- 2005. advanced training at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University in the specialty " Physical therapy and sports"
-2009. advanced training at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University in the specialty " Physical therapy, rehabilitation and sports medicine"
- 2012. professional retraining at the Institute of Postgraduate Professional Education of the A. I. Burnadyan Federal State Medical University in the specialty " Physiotherapy"
-2014. advanced training in the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. E. Evdokimov in the specialty " Physical therapy, rehabilitation and sports medicine"
- 2017. advanced training in the SSC of the Russian Federation Medical Biophysical Center named after A. I. Burnazyan in the specialty "Physiotherapy".

Work experience in the specialty of 9 years

Сертификат 0177040101725 от 13061970
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD