Makarova Marina Nikolaevna

Makarova Marina Nikolaevna

Отдел гепатопанкреатобилиарной хирургии

Senior Nurse


2005. GOU SPO Temnikovo medical School, specialty " Obstetrics"
2006. advanced training in the Center for Professional Training and Postgraduate Education in the specialty "Nursing in therapy"
2011. advanced training in the GOBU Center for Advanced Training of specialists in the specialty " Nursing in therapy"
2013. GBOU SPO Medical College No. 2, specialty " Organization of nursing"
2014. advanced training in the State Educational Institution SPO Medical School No. 8 in the specialty "Nursing"
2015. advanced training in the Center for Professional Training and Postgraduate Education in the specialty "Organization of nursing"


More than 10 years of professional experience.

Сертификат 0277180953573 от 21051970
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD