PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Savina Irina Vladimirovna

Savina Irina Vladimirovna


Отделение патологии поджелудочной железы и желчевыводящих путей


  • In 2011, she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University with a degree in Medical Science.
  • In 2011-2013, she was trained in clinical residency at the "Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology" in the specialty:"therapy".
  • 2013-2014. additional educational program on the topic: "Topical issues of oncology".
  • 2013-2014.  Professional retraining at the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology of the Moscow Clinical Scientific and Practical Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences» in the specialty "gastroenterology".

Clinical work: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, bile ducts.

Additional skills and abilities: The methods of visualization on the ultrasound machine are mastered.


Сертификат 067724 № 1549368 от 06101970

Price list

#1-1 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога первичный 3700 руб
#1-2 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога повторный 2600 руб
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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD