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Alexey V. Andrianov

Alexey V. Andrianov

Oncologist, Surgeon

Отделение высокотехнологичной хирургии и хирургической эндоскопии

Research associate.


  • Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov (RNIMU), specialty "Medical science" (2012).
  • He completed a clinical internship in the specialty "Surgery", Department of Faculty Surgery No. 2, RNIMU (2013).
  • He is studying at the postgraduate school in the specialty "Surgery" of the MCSC (2013-present).
  • Passed the general improvement course " Innovative surgery. Technique of Laparoscopic operations", Department of Faculty Surgery No. 2, MGMSU (2014).
  • Passed the advanced training course "Sutures and anastomoses in Surgery", the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation-the A. I. Burnazyan Federal Biochemistry Center (2014).
  • Passed a master class with international participation "Modern technologies in the treatment of pancreatic diseases", State Medical Hospital No. 1 named after N. I. Pirogov (2014).
  • Passed the general improvement course "Bariatric Surgery", Department of Faculty Surgery No. 2, MGMSU (2014).
  • Passed the general improvement course "Percutaneous minimally invasive interventions in surgery", Department of Faculty Surgery No. 2, MGMSU (2015).
  • Passed the practical course " Robotic surgery. Basic course", State Medical University named after S. P. Botkin DZ of Moscow (2016).


- Researcher of the Department of High-Tech Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy, Moscow Clinical Research Center (since 2013). 


  • Full member of the Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia (ELSA).
  • Full member of the Russian Society of Surgeons (ROH).

Treatment of diseases:

  • Most operations are performed laparoscopically, including through single access.
  • Surgery: chronic pancreatitis, gallstone disease, inguinal hernia, ventral hernia.
  • Oncosurgery: Tumors of the pancreas, tumors of the stomach, tumors of the colon, tumors of the adrenal gland, retroperitoneal extra-organ tumors and soft tissue tumors.

International internships:

  • · Laparoscopic hepatopancreatobiliary surgery, 2015.
  • Seoul Natioanal University Bundang Hospital, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Speaker at Russian and international conferences. 


1. Vinokurova L. V., Khatkov I. E., Izrailov R. E., Bordin D. S., Dubtsova E. A., Nikolskaya K. A., Agafonov M. A., Andrianov A.V. Duodenal dystrophy: an interdisciplinary problem // Therapeutic archive. 2016. Vol. 88. no. 2. pp. 71-74.

2. Tyutyunnik P. S., Khatkov I. E., Tsvirkun V. V., Izrailov R. E., Khisamov A. A., Andrianov A.V. Choosing the optimal model for constructing the learning curve in laparoscopic surgery on the example of pancreatoduodenal resection // Endoscopic surgery. 2015. Vol. 21. no. 5. pp. 45-49.

3. Khatkov I. E., Tsvirkun V. V., Izrailov R. E., Alikhanov R. B., Andrianov A.V. The first experience of laparoscopic operations in chronic pancreatitis // Annals of Surgical Hepatology. 2014. Vol. 19. no. 3. pp. 10-15.

4. Khatkov I. E., Tsvirkun V. V., Izrailov R. E., Khisamov A. A., Tyutyunnik P. S., Andrianov A.V. Technical features of resections of the mesentericoportal segment during laparoscopic operations on the pancreas. 2016. Vol. 21. no. 1-2. pp. 120-125.

5. Kuznetsov M. R., Fedin A. I., Beresten N. F., Kholopova E. A., Ostapchuk N. A., Andrianov A.V. Autoregulation of brain vessels / / Bulletin of neurology, psychiatry and neurosurgery. 2011. No. 12. pp. 44-51. 

Email address: a.andrianov@mknc.ru

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#1-69 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-хирурга, к.м.н. первичный 4600 руб
#1-70 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-хирурга, к.м.н. повторный 3400 руб
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