Lesko Konstantin Alexandrovich

Рентгеновское отделение
In 2010, he graduated with honors from the I. M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University with a degree in Medicine. Awarded the medal "To the Successful".
2010-2012-residency training in the specialty "Radiology" at the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy of the Medical Faculty of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov»
2012-2014-postgraduate studies (specialty "Radiation diagnostics", "Radiation therapy" on the basis of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy of the Medical Faculty of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University»
2013-professional retraining in the specialty " Ultrasound diagnostics»
Academic degree:
In 2015, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialty "Radiation diagnostics", " radiation therapy (medical sciences) "on the topic"Radiation diagnosis of breast diseases in women with hypothyroidism".
Work experience:
2012-2015-Radiologist at the University Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov. The range of duties included X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics of breast diseases, computed tomography of the maxillofacial region, chest and abdominal organs.
Since 2015, I have been working at the State Medical Institution MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM and specialize in interpreting the results of computed tomography of the head and neck, chest, abdominal cavity and pelvis, CT angiography. The main research profile is oncological, gastroenterological, pulmonological, I conduct an assessment of the dynamics according to the RECIST 1.1 system.A radiologist of the first qualification category.
Scientific work:
Author and co-author of more than 60 scientific papers, including three monographs on various issues of radiation diagnostics. Member of the European Society of Radiologists (ESR) since 2010, the Russian Society of Radiologists and Radiologists (RORR) since 2016, the European Society of Hybrid, Molecular and Translational Imaging (ESHI) since 2018.
Contacts: k.lesko@mknc.ru