PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Shcherbakova Natalia Alekseevna

Shcherbakova Natalia Alekseevna


Центр комплексной диагностики (CHECK UP)


  • 2007-2013 - Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, specialty “Medical science”.
  • 2015-2017-Clinical residency in the specialty "Gastroenterology" at the Moscow Clinical Research Center named after A. S. Loginov, Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology.

Experience: He has been working in healthcare institutions for 5 years. He has experience working in outpatient clinics.

Clinical work: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system.

Email address: n.shcherbakova@mknc.ru

Сертификат 06772411255820 от 31.08.2017 12:00:00
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD