Shirokikh Andrey Viktorovich

Консультативно-диагностическое отделение
- In 2001, he graduated from the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy with a degree in medical Science.
- In 2002, he completed the 23rd internship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy in the specialty "therapy".
- From 2001 to 2006, he passed the professional path from a doctor of a military unit to the head of the therapeutic department of a hospital.
- From 2006 to 2009, residency in the specialty "therapy" at the 2nd department (therapy improvement of doctors) Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov.
- From 2009 to 2018, he was a senior gastroenterologist at the Main Military Clinical Hospital of the Russian National Guard Troops.
- Since 2018, he has been a gastroenterologist of the consultative and diagnostic department of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov.
General medical experience of more than 18 years.
Experience in the specialty "gastroenterology" for more than 12 years.
The highest qualification category in gastroenterology.
Clinical work:
diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, biliary tract, pancreas, liver, small and large intestine.
Scientific work: author of more than 20 articles in departmental journals and journals of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Сертификат 0177180648143 от 27041970
Price list
#1-1 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога первичный | 3700 руб |
#1-2 Прием (осмотр, консультация) врача-гастроэнтеролога повторный | 2600 руб |
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