PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

Rasulova Gulnar Adil kyzy

Rasulova Gulnar Adil kyzy


Рентгеновское отделение

2010-2016 – Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov. Specialty: "Medical care»
2016-2018-State Medical University of MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM. Residency in the specialty "Radiology".

Since January 2019-till now I work as a radiologist in the computer tomography room of the State Medical Institution of the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov DZM.

Reading radiographs, performing X-ray examinations of the gastrointestinal tract, fistulography. 
Description and interpretation of MSCT of the brain, chest, abdominal and retroperitoneal organs, pelvic organs, MSCT-angiography, MSCT of the musculoskeletal system, MSCT of the paranasal sinuses. 
Description of MR studies of the brain, intra-and extracranial vessels, and spine. Examination of patients in a surgical hospital at the pre-and postoperative stage. 

Сертификат 0677241549197 от 31.08.2018
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD