Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs
Adhesive disease of the abdominal organs — a genetically determined disease associated with the phenotype of rapid acetylation of the enzyme N-acetyltransferase, characterized by the appearance of intra-abdominal adhesions and adhesions in response to physical and other effects on the peritoneum; manifested by pain and episodes of recurrent intestinal obstruction.
Adhesions are formed due to the impact on the peritoneum of mechanical, physical, infectious and chemical factors during surgical interventions, injuries or inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs.
It is known that adhesive disease does not occur in all operated patients or those who have suffered inflammation of the abdominal organs. However, with an increase in the number of surgical interventions performed on the abdominal organs, the number of cases of acute adhesive intestinal obstruction increases. In the structure of all cases of intestinal obstruction, the adhesive process becomes the cause of this disease in most cases and takes the first place (75-87%).