Chologenic diarrhea

Chologenic diarrhea – diarrhea caused by a violation of the absorption of bile acids.

Possible causes:

* resection of the small intestine,

* inflammatory changes in the small intestine, of various nature ( including Crohn's disease).

* disorders of bile secretion (diseases of the gallbladder, cholecystectomy, etc.).


Clinical features:

* the stool is frequent, watery, has a bright yellow or greenish color,

* characterized by pain in the right iliac region, which appears during palpation of the caecum and ascending intestine,

* chologenic diarrhea is characterized by persistent chronic, but not progressive course.


 The diagnosis is established on the basis of:

* collecting and detailing patient complaints, interviewing medical history, and reviewing previous examinations,

* determination of the presence of excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine,

* determination of the daily loss of bile acids with feces by spectrophotometric enzyme method.


The selection of therapy is carried out individually.


The effectiveness of therapy is evaluated:

* clinical improvement, i.e. reducing the number of bowel movements and changing the consistency of feces,

* control analysis of feces for the content of bile acids in the dynamics during treatment.


Only in the MCSC you can conduct a fecal analysis for the content of bile acids to confirm the diagnosis of chologenic diarrhea!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD