Hamartoma of the breast

Hamartoma of the breast (fibroadenolipoma) - a benign process characterized by the presence of a volume formation inside the breast with a clear capsule and a different combination of fibrous, glandular and adipose tissue. It is more common in women over 35 years of age.

Mammogram in the craniocaudal projection of the mammary gland with a hamartoma ("mammary gland in the mammary gland»)

The exact cause of the growth of hamartoma is unknown, and cases of its occurrence are usually accidental.

Risk factors for hamartomas:

  • Pallister Hall syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the development of the body and can lead to the appearance of extra fingers or toes
  • Cowden's syndrome is a genetically mediated condition that is associated with the occurrence of multiple benign growths in the body
  • Tuberous sclerosis is a rare genetic disorder that causes the development of benign growths in the brain, other vital organs, and skin

Symptoms of hamartoma of the breast:

  • painless, touch-detectable formation in the mammary gland
  • unilateral breast enlargement

An asymptomatic course is also possible.

List of necessary examinations:

  • consultation of the oncologist-mammologist, including discussion of the restless symptoms, examination of the mammary glands
  • digital mammography (from 39-40 years old). With a radiologically dense background, a mammologist may recommend breast tomosynthesis
  • ultrasound examination of the mammary glands (ultrasound)

The above methods of examination do not require special training.

The need for a biopsy (fine needle or trepan biopsy) is determined by the mammologist and depends on the data obtained during the examination.

The question of surgical treatment or the possibility of dynamic observation is decided at an appointment with a mammologist on an individual basis, taking into account the data obtained as a result of a comprehensive examination.

The current forecast is favorable. It is important to undergo routine instrumental examinations (digital mammography, ultrasound) after treatment, followed by the interpretation of the results by a mammologist.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD