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Alcoholic liver disease

Alcoholic fatty liver disease can occur in the form of three main clinical and morphological forms of the disease, which are usually consecutive stages of the natural course of the disease: alcoholic steatosis (fatty hepatosis), alcoholic stethohepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. The most sensitive and accurate method for assessing the form of alcoholic liver damage and the prognosis of the disease is a histological examination of a liver biopsy. The greatest difficulties are caused by the differential diagnosis with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which practically repeats all the clinical and morphological stages of alcoholic fatty liver disease, repeats the main stages of its pathogenesis and does not have any significant histological differences from it. The main criterion in this case is the anamnesis data confirming excessive alcohol intake.
In the laboratory of pathomorphology, Professor S. G. Homerika can provide a qualified histological opinion on the biopsy material obtained during a liver puncture biopsyperformed in a surgical hospital, as well as consult ready-made histological preparations made in other medical institutions. In Vivo morphological examination of the liver allows you to clarify the degree of activity and the stage of the process in alcoholic hepatitis, to confirm or identify violations of the liver architectonics, as well as to identify rare forms of liver damage. This information is important for optimizing treatment tactics and improving the prognosis of the disease.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD