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Anal fissure

Anal fissure is a longitudinal rupture of the anal canal mucosa that can occur at any age, but most often occurs in young people. Cracks can be caused by both constipation and the passage of hard stools, as well as diarrhea, as well as the presence of frequent loose stools. In most cases, an anal fissure can develop without any cause. The main complaints are pain and minor bleeding, especially when passing the stool. 
How is a crack treated?
In approximately 50% of cases, the crack heals on its own, without resorting to surgical treatment. This is often achieved by using special therapeutic creams and ointments, using stool softeners, and avoiding constipation. If these methods are ineffective, then most likely an operation will be required. 
Conservative therapy.
Usually, 0.2% nitroglycerin ointment is used to treat an anal fissure. Recently, 2% diltiazem ointment has also been used.
What does the operation involve?
The most common operation for this disease is a lateral sphincterotomy (partial dissection of the sphincter of the rectum). This dissection of the portion of the anal muscle helps to heal the crack in the shortest possible time, reducing pain and spasm. After performing such an operation, the patient can be released home in the evening or the next morning.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD