
Hemorrhoids – a disease in which there is thrombosis, inflammation, loss of hemorrhoids from the anal canal, and when they are traumatized, they are often accompanied by severe bleeding. With untimely treatment of this pathology, the risk of developing fecal incontinence and gases increases as a result of the development of muscle insufficiency of the rectal locking apparatus - anal incontinence. In addition, pain, itching, discomfort in the anal canal, periodic bleeding and thrombosis significantly reduce the quality of life.

In the Department of Coloproctology of the MCSC, all the most modern methods of treatment of acute and chronic hemorrhoids are performed: closed seamless hemorrhoidectomy using the Liga Shure bipolar coagulation devices and the Harmonic ultrasound scalpel, sclerotherapy, latex ligation, dearterization of hemorrhoids under ultrasound Doppler guidance.

The staff of the Coloproctology department regularly receives patients in the consultative and diagnostic department of the MCSC. You have a unique chance to get expert-level advice and receive treatment in our clinic.

Don't be shy about your illness! Our experts will help you solve any delicate problem!

Figure 1. Latex ligation of hemorrhoids

Fig. 2. Desarterization of hemorrhoids under the control of Dopplerometry


Fig. 3. Seamless closed hemorrhoidectomy (a-with the Liga Shure device, b-Harmonic)

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD