Autoimmune hepatitis

Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic inflammatory process in the liver of unknown nature, which is characterized by severe inflammation and fibrosis, up to the development of cirrhosis of the liver, in some cases - the development of acute hepatic cell insufficiency. Specifically, the presence of autoantibodies, an increase in the level of gamma globulins and a good response to immunosuppressive therapy.

How does autoimmune hepatitis manifest itself?

You should consult a gastroenterologist if you have:

  • rapid fatigue, unmotivated weakness
  • reduced physical activity
  • unexplained by other causes of joint pain without deformity
  • persistent rashes on the skin (acne, acne)
  • unexplained by other reasons, subfebrile temperature (up to 38 ° C)
  • during the preventive examination, changes in the "liver samples"were detected in the blood test. 

The diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis can be made only after the exclusion of other liver diseases:

  • viral hepatitis, including acute (A, B ,C, D, E)

  • other autoimmune liver diseases: PBC, PSC

  • Wilson-Konovalov disease, hemochromatosis, α1-antitrypsin deficiency

  • toxic forms of hepatitis (alcoholic and medicinal).

How do I know if I have autoimmune hepatitis?


  • in the biochemical analysis of blood, an increase in bilirubin, ALT, AST is detected
  •  autoantibodies are detected: antinuclear antibodies (ANA), anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA), hepatic-renal antibodies (LKM), and others.
  • during the examination, including ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, an increase in the liver and spleen is detected.

Important! The final diagnosis in some cases will help to establish only a puncture biopsy of the liver.


How to live with it?

Follow a healthy lifestyle:

  • Complete abstinence from alcohol

  • Compliance with the daily routine-alternation of work and rest

  • Limit your diet:

      - Salt and salt-rich foods


      - Foods high in calories and saturated fat (fatty meats, margarine, sweets)


What can help?   

  • Timely medical therapy, which can only be prescribed by a specialist hepatologist!

  • Drugs with immunosuppressive effects (glucocorticoid hormones, cytostatics):

     - Block the effect of autoantibodies on liver cells
     - Reduce active inflammation in the liver and prevent further death of liver cells

  • Constant monitoring by a hepatologist, regular monitoring of the parameters of the biochemical blood test.


  • The causes of autoimmune hepatitis are unknown.

  • The disease occurs in 90% of cases in women after 40 years.        

  • The final diagnosis in some cases will help to establish only a puncture biopsy of the liver. 

  • During the treatment started, it will prevent the development of a very life-threatening condition - acute liver failure, as well as the development of cirrhosis of the liver. 

  • The choice of the drug is determined by the hepatologist. 

  • In case of untimely (independent) termination of treatment, the symptoms of the disease resume. 

  • Strict compliance with the recommendations of the ATTENDING PHYSICIAN, the schedule of taking medications and monitoring laboratory parameters is the key to effective therapy!


Do not delay-seek qualified medical help!

Remember, that a correct and timely diagnosis guarantees the effectiveness of treatment!

We will choose a treatment for everyone!

The scope of research is determined by the doctor after an in-person consultation.

Our center uses proven in clinical practice innovative diagnostic methods and proven treatment regimens for liver diseases.

The effectiveness of our work is associated with the development and implementation of modern methods of examination and treatment.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD