
The locking apparatus of the rectum consists of internal and external sphincters. The first is reduced involuntarily, the work of the second is controlled by human consciousness. It performs an important function-it controls the release of gases and feces. Its violation manifests itself:

  • fecal incontinence;
  • violation of the act of defecation;
  • the appearance of psychoemotional disorders.

Sphincterometry - this is a method of assessing the functional state of the rectal locking apparatus.

During the diagnosis, the tone of the internal and external sphincters is evaluated at rest and under the influence of volitional tension, as well as the function of retaining the contents.

Conducting sphincterometry allows you to measure:

  • basal pressure (internal anal sphincter tone);
  • maximum compression pressure (external anal sphincter tone);
  • external anal sphincter endurance during compression;
  • ejection pressure (cough test).

Indications for the study

The diagnostic procedure is performed as prescribed by a doctor or at the request of the patient after consultation with a specialist.

Reasons for sphincterometry:

  1. Injuries of the locking apparatus of the rectum:
  • surgical injuries of sphincter muscle fibers during surgical interventions for various diseases of the distal rectum and perineum;
  • domestic injuries (falls), ruptures of the rectum by foreign bodies;
  • birth trauma (perineal tears).
  1. Congenital malformation of the anorectal region.
  2. Functional insufficiency of the anal sphincter caused by concomitant (inflammatory) diseases of the rectum and anal canal.
  3. Screening functional examination before surgery in the absence of complaints of stool incontinence.

Preparation for the study

Previously, the patient needs to cleanse the colon. For this purpose, you can use ready-made microclysms or one enema with 500 ml of water at room temperature in the morning on the day of the procedure.

People suffering from constipation need to carry out these procedures twice: in the evening on the eve of the study and in the morning on the day of the study.

Conducting research

The strength and tone of the sphincters are examined using a special apparatus - a sphincterometer. It consists of a special cylinder and a device that analyzes pressure changes in this cylinder.

The study duration is 15 minutes. The procedure is painless for the patient.

During the procedure, the patient lies on his side on the couch, pulling his knees to his stomach. After that, the doctor inserts a sensor with a diameter of 1 cm into the anal canal to a depth of 4-5 cm with a disposable latex condom on it.  At the request of a specialist, the patient coughs, squeezes and relaxes the buttocks. 

The results of sphincterometry will be known immediately. The data is displayed on the display of the device or computer. According to the obtained numerical indicators, the specialist determines how much the functional activity of the rectal locking apparatus corresponds to the norm.

In the MCSC named after A. S. Loginov, sphincterometry is performed in the laboratory for the diagnosis of functional bowel diseases. Record by phone call center 8(495) 304-30-39.


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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD